Youth and XR Series

Simulation Literacies – the Future of Media

Imisi 3D is thrilled to partner with the Institute for the Future for a session exploring simulations, the future and what we can create as part of our Youth and XR series.


*Email us to request an invitation.

Institute for the Future (IFTF) brings people together to make the future—today. Whether you’re a strategic leader in a large organization or a community leader in a struggling neighborhood or a netizen who wants to mobilize global crowds, we have practical tools, research, and programs that turn foresight into the critical new insights that ultimately lead to action.


IFTF is celebrating its 50th anniversary as the world’s leading non-profit strategic futures organization. The core of our work is identifying emerging discontinuities that will transform global society and the global marketplace. We provide organizations with insights into business strategy, design process, innovation, and social dilemmas. Our research spans a broad territory of deeply transformative trends, from health and health care to technology, the workplace, and human identity. IFTF is based in Palo Alto, California.


Imisi 3D is the leading creation lab in Lagos, Nigeria developing the ecosystem for the extended reality technologies.



Dylan Hendricks
Director at Institute for the Future: Dylan’s interest in media and futures thinking has always revolved around a belief that good storytelling is the most essential tool for advancing society. In that effort, he has been eagerly riding the crest of innovation that has radically disrupted the media landscape over the last several decades. As co-director of IFTF’s Future 50 partnership, Dylan is always looking for new ways to help industry-leading companies, innovative non-profits and government organizations to better understand and communicate the trends and paradigms that are transforming the fabric of twenty-first century life.
Jeremy Kirshbaum
Jeremy is a researcher, strategist, and entrepreneur. He splits his time between West Africa, China, and California (where he is from) partnering with people to build new things, innovate, and explore. He does this through action research, design, and a variety of creative media. His experiments with emerging technologies include virtual reality art at, his personal currency JeremyCoin, and virtual reality for emerging markets at He is a research affiliate at Institute for the Future, and Shenzhen Open Innovation Lab, and help large organizations of all kinds to innovate more effectively and imaginatively.
Judith Okonkwo                   

Judith is a Technology Evangelist, Business Psychologist and Organisation Development Consultant.  She is the creator of the Oriki Coaching Model™ and a co-founder of We Will Lead Africa. In 2016 Judith set up Imisi 3D a creation lab in Lagos, Nigeria focused on building the ecosystem for extended reality technologies (AR/VR/MR). The lab provides learning opportunities and access to XR resources for developers and enthusiasts, while supporting engagement and adoption by the wider community and consulting and creating content for clients. In 2018 she set up AR/VR Africa which held the largest XR event on the  continent, an AR/VR hackathon across 7 African countries simultaneously.